While you have a wide range of pieces to chose from on the web site, I also offer custom jewelry including:


This one hour session includes your input of your own hopes and dreams for the perfect, one of a kind jewelry we will create together. I meet one on one with local clients and virtual interviews throughout the world. Photos of the dress/dresses help in matching a style, length and the type of beading. We will go over your budget and expected completion time frame. You will be choosing a design adding an everlasting memory of your special day.


This service includes a consultation to design with you in mind matching adult and child jewelry - necklaces, bracelets, hair pieces, etc.! Pricing varies upon each creation.


Often people inherit or acquire a loved ones old jewelry or have pieces that need a facelift. Many times with age, the pieces feel out of date or are broken rendering them useless to the owner. I can analyze the pieces and create a new life for them, creating a type of charm necklace or bracelet. We can talk about incorporating crystals, pearls and or different stones to up-cycle this jewelry. Upon consultation we can talk about how to take these heirloom pieces and create a new life for them while holding onto their sentiment. This too can be done from a distance. I am happy to zoom meet with anyone in any country and have the heirlooms shipped to me! 


After looking at my site, if you do not find exactly what you want from the plethora of one of a kind pieces, please contact me and we can talk about creating just what you have in mind. 

For each of these special services I take a 50% down payment and the other 50% upon completion.